Gradual Trading

is a Company that mediates National and International businesses which operates its commercial activities mainly in the Northeastern region of Brazil through the Port of Suape/PE.

Commercial Dollar (USA)

R$ 5,914


R$ 6,161

Argentinian Peso

R$ 0,006

Chinese Yuan

R$ 0,813

Pound Sterling

R$ 7,293

Japanese Yen

R$ 0,038

Swiss Franc

R$ 6,518


R$ 616436,000

About Us

The Company started its activities in 2010 in the municipality of Arapiraca/AL – former Brazilian Tobacco Capital –, and currently one of the most important commercial hubs in Northeastern Brazil in addition to being an axis for great economic centers in the country.

A couple of years later, the Company went ‘solo’ focused on prospecting and mediating business between Exporters and Importers, national Suppliers and local Clients and Importers coming more specifically from the Northeastern region of our country. Since then, Gradual Trading has been operating day by day for the last 10 years through a national and global business relationship network in direct contact with partner Producers, Industries and Exporters virtually from every continent of the world by developing business opportunities from abroad and from some Brazilian regions in the Wholesale/Distribution, Retail and Food Service segments. We also analyze projects from other sectors of the economy in cooperation with ‘Trading’ partners operating with tax incentives, customs clearance and logistic transport management especially through the Ports of Suape, Salvador, among others.

In other words, we do not work alone. We rely on the support and procurement from abroad through a global network of responsible and experienced Traders, Brokers and Freight Forwarders with whom we cooperate regularly in order to carry out our operations in the safest possible way for all Parties involved from the origin of the goods to their final destination. 

Gradually grow together with our national and global Clients and Partners, generating more and more profitable business and long-term commercial and friendship relationships based on Professional Ethics, Transparency, and a "Win-Win" System among all Parties involved in the operations.

- God above everything and everyone;
- Focus on the Client: our Boss, always!
- Professional Ethics;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Transparency, attention and care in every step of the process;
- Honesty in business;
- Humbleness and Respect;
- Responsibility in every operation.



Contact with the Supplier (in Brazil and/or abroad)


Negotiation and price simulations


Documentary analysis and pre-shipment inspection(s)


Contracting international freight and cargo insurance


Preparation of goods for shipment


Logistic management/ Follow-up of shipped cargoes


Safe release of cargo(es) through Customs Clearance with responsible and experienced Tradings and Partners in the segment


Safe delivery of the product(s) to their final destination

Gradual has been working on a daily basis for the last 10 years through a national and global business relationship network in direct contact with partner Producers, Industries and Exporters virtually from every continent of the world by developing business opportunities from abroad and from some Brazilian regions in the Wholesale/Distribution, Retail and Food Service segments.


Check out some of our products below and for more information do not hesitate to contact us.
Frozen Whole Fish & Another Cuts (H&G and HGT)
Multiple Species & Origins
Nationalized Dried and Salted Fish
(Cod) from Several Industries in Norway & Another Countries
Nationalized Dried and Salted Fish
Shredded Chinese Polack
Salmon Fillets & Another Cuts
Different Species & Origins
Hake Fillets
From Argentina & Another Origins
Special Beef Cuts
Rump Steaks, Titties & Others
Frozen Bovine Livers
Nationalized & Imported Frozen Pre-Fried Potatoes
Made in Belgium
Dried Fruits
Plums, Raisins and Another Types of Dried Fruits
Fresh & Chilled Garlic
Made in China, Argentina & Spain. Multiple Calibers & Packings
Dairy Products
Cheese & Others
Nationalized & Multiple Origins
Wheat Flour
Made in Argentina
Wines & Sparkling Wines
Canned Fish
Multiple Origins

Enabling RADAR and projects from other segments

Interested in enabling your Radar (Import and export authorization) and exchange some ideas in other segments? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We have a serious and experienced Networking team that can guide you.


GTC, Gradual Trading Company | Brazil

WhatsApp No: +55 82 9 9934-9843

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